Thursday, November 27, 2014


I have a list of things I am thankful for everyday.  On the top of that list is life.  Everyday, I reflect and I see things through a perspective that most people don't.  On this Thanksgiving, I have a long list.  Holidays magnify the feelings and intensify the thankfulness.

I am thankful for a core group of folks that impact my life daily and are my biggest cheerleaders!  I have celebrated another heart anniversary with them and I am ever so thankful for that!

I have celebrated another birthday this year and I am thankful for it--my 46th if anyone is counting!

I have struggled with my fitness journey and weight for many years but met a dynamic young woman who is a huge cheerleader for many including me.  I am thankful this year that she is in my life:


I am thankful for my family:

I am thankful for the American Heart Association Kansas City.  They have afforded me great opportunities to educate and advocate.  They have given me the opportunity to meet incredible women!  Laura, Ciara and Dawn--thank you!
The American Heart and American Stroke Association asks you this year "What is your why?"  I challenge you to analyze what you are thankful for and pick your why--leave it in the comments.  
Above all else, I have chosen to do what many women have a hard time doing and this year I am thankful that in my busy life I can make myself a priority because above all else I am thankful to say:


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