Sunday, June 16, 2013

Falling Off the Vegan Wagon

I have fallen off the vegan wagon.  This takes me back far in the other direction of finding the skinny bitch.  I keep saying I will get back to it and then I find a reason not to.  Last week, I went to Cincinnati on business, the week before, who knows!  I have found excuse after excuse not to get back to it.

In reality, I did not go vegan for weight loss.  I went vegan because I knew it was the healthiest choice for someone that is post STEMI.  I went vegan for all of the right reasons.  The thing about being vegan is that it requires a lot of planning.  I am so not a planner.  I basically go through life flying by the seat of my pants.  While I am almost always having a good time, that leaves very little time for planning and structure. 

In the beginning, it was so frightening to have had such a massive heart attack.  Less than 20% of women survive a STEMI and of those that do, 42% die within the first year.  That was nerve racking and scary. It scared structure into me:).  As I've gotten farther away, it is less scary.

I read this article titled Being Vegan:  A Gift to My Children on Father's Day.  It so hit home that the reason for going vegan was so that I get to be around for my kids and my granddaughter.  I get to see them grow up and become fabulous young adults.  I get to grow old with my husband.  I only get to do this if I get back to taking the kind of care of myself that I know I need to. 

Tomorrow is the day.  Here's to your health and mine on this Father's Day!

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